Alongside the Comprehensive Blood Analysis Programmes, I offer additional blood and swab tests to help you understand specific markers that you might be interested in keep at check.
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DNA genetic testing are becoming more significant for health since they can provide useful information about an individual's susceptibility to certain health disorders. A DNA test can reveal a wide range of health-related information by analysing an individual's genetic makeup for predispositions. Understanding these predispositions allows you to make educated decisions regarding their nutrition, lifestyle, and healthcare, so improving your health and well-being.
This Analysis includes
A thorough set of genes connected to a number of important health concerns such as:
Lactose and gluten intolerance
Digestive issues
Weight gain due to certain foods and habits
Increased need for targeted vitamins and minerals
Imbalanced blood sugar
Eating dysregulation
Histamine intolerance
High levels of inflammation
Stress tolerance
Potential for high blood pressure
Your most suitable exercise type
Increased risk for tendon and ligament injury
Alcohol detoxification
Slow caffeine metabolism
Sleep issues
Accelerated cellular aging
Increased need for antioxidants​
A Report of Findings with a detailed interpretation on the results.
The interpretation can be delivered by email or​ face-to-face in clinic.
DNA Genetics Analysis + Report of Findings delivered by email
DNA Genetics Analysis + Report of Findings delivered in person
Immunoglobulin blood tests determine the amounts of several forms of immunoglobulins in the blood. Immunoglobulins are proteins created by the immune system to combat infection. Immunoglobulin blood tests are used to diagnose and monitor a range of conditions, including Immunodeficiency conditions that are characterised by a lack or poor function of immunoglobulins.
This analysis includes:
Immunoglobulin tests: IgG, IgA and IgM
IgG is the most common immunoglobulin it provides protection against bacterial and viral diseases.
IgA protects against infections of the respiratory and digestive systems.
IgM is the first form of immunoglobulin produced in response to an infection and helps in the elimination of pathogens.
A Report of Findings with a 1 page interpretation on the results delivered by email
Testing for diabetes, cholesterol, and renal function is critical for general health and well-being. Diabetes, characterised by high blood sugar levels, can lead to serious problems if not addressed. Cholesterol testing assesses the levels of good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol, both of which play important roles in heart health. Kidney function tests assess the kidneys' capacity to filter waste materials and maintain electrolyte balance, hence guaranteeing appropriate body processes. Regularly track these factors via blood tests can proactively manage your health.
This analysis includes:
14 blood markers: Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, ALP, ALT, Albumin, Globulin, Total Protein, GGT, HbA1c, Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglyceride​
A Report of Findings with a 1 page interpretation on the results delivered by email
* This analysis requires fasting 8-12 hours
Total cholesterol All cell membranes contain cholesterol, a type of fat bound to a protein called a lipoprotein.
Too much cholesterol has been associated with a higher risk of heart and blood vessel disease. The overall number is important, but knowing the amounts of HDL and LDL, the two components that make up the majority of the cholesterol molecule, and figuring out the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL are more beneficial.
This analysis includes:
Cholesterol markers checks: Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol:HDL Ratio​
A Report of Findings with a 1 page interpretation on the results delivered by email
Liver function analysis, assess the levels of proteins and important liver-produced enzymes. The results of these tests will provide crucial details about liver health. Viral infections, including several types of hepatitis, heavy alcohol consumption, and specific medications can cause disorders in liver function tests.
This analysis includes:
Liver markers checks: Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, ALT, ALP, GGT (Gamma GT), Total Bilirubin​
A Report of Findings with a 1 page interpretation on the results delivered by email